Friday, July 27, 2018

More from the accidental pumpkin patch

My accidental roadside pumpkin patch took a hit this weekend. While I was at church, someone must have decided to turn around in my driveway and in doing so clipped the edge of the patch, taking out a fledgling pumpkin that germinated to close to the driveway. I mourned when I first noticed this. Eddy and I examined the direction in which the leaves were flattened, trying to figure out what happened. Forensic gardeners, we are not, but we did figure out that the area that was hit was only hit once. The tires didn't go back over in the same spot.  The little pumpkin that got flattened was the size of a nectarine and will be missed. Anyhow, there are still lessons to be learned by the demise of the pumpkin on the edge.

First of all, I should've put up some kind of boundary around them. A stick with a flag. Something. I've been busy and Home Depot, Tractor Supply, well, those are not my favorite stores to shop in.  There will be times you have to go out of your way. to protect what is yours.  The Bible says to, "Guard your heart with all diligence for out of it flow the wellsprings of life." (Proverbs 4:23, KJV) If you're going to be growing and sprouting fruit in a dangerous or unlikely area, you need to take extra precautions -- and if circumstances have you exposing your heart, you need a good set of standards to those tender parts out of harm's way.

Some people show up in your life only to turn around in your driveway. They aren't looking to see if you have anything growing on the side. They aren't worried about anything but using your driveway to fulfill a need of their own to turn and go somewhere else.  For people like this, they care about your driveway being convenient - they are not likely to notice that you have a nice pumpkin patch growing off to one side. You never know when people like this will show up so while it is tempting to have something spikey and dangerous around the pumpkins to protect them a nice tall stick with a flag at the corner and possibly a fence should help. In life, these are the people who want stuff from you and perhaps you need to make sure you have a flag up.  This kind of stuff is unpredictable so you just need to prepare by having whatever the pumpkins in your life are protected. That way people can do a quick turn around and you aren't injured. "See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:15-16, NKJV)  Basically, be prepared. Don't be a fool. Get some markers up; get a sign that says "Keep off the pumpkins!" if need be.

Eddy reminded me that there are also those people who have no interest in your pumpkins and no respect for your passion for them. They probably think it is a stupid place to grow them and really don't want to hear you talk about your massive unplanned garden. You will likely learn pretty fast that they simply have no desire to hear about your pumpkin plants and share none of your excitement. If your passion is spiritual things and you are growing spiritual fruit, don't be unequally yoked with an unbeliever. S/he will not care about turning you astray or offending you in any way.  Certainly don't expect a person such as this to help you at all in nurturing your crop. Matthew 7:6 says, "Don't give what is holy to dogs or toss your pearls before pigs, or they will trample them under their feet, turn, and tear you to pieces." (KJV)

I'm trying not to worry about the day coming when my pumpkins are ripe and appealing to thieves. That day may come...

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