Friday, September 26, 2008

Fungus Among Us

Giant  Fungus Ball

I walked with Jenna this morning (I think she's in early labor, she was very crampy feeling). We saw this big fungus ball thing on the side of the road. The picture does not do justice to how big this thing was; it was the size of a slightly deflated volleyball. In other words, HUGE. I'm not sure if it was the puffball sort. I certainly wasn't going to step on it and send spores flying just to find out. There was also a softball sized one nearby.

This morning I tormented still sleepy Erin and Rhianna as they began their school work wrapped in blankets. I'm not putting the heat on until mid-late October unless it snows! And yes, that is an artificial Christmas tree in the background beside the over-stuffed bookshelves. We used it for background for the plays at VBS and then hung a Ringmaster guy that I picked up at Arabica Coffee House on it. It is our "seasonal" tree.

Photobucket Photobucket
Yesterday at the graveyard, Rhianna had Jenna take this picture so she could send it to her boyfriend who is away at college. She's going to homecoming with friends and wanted him to know that the only guys she's in contact with are cold and lifeless to her. :) This particular monument is rather eerie in the twilight. The statue appears to be gliding down the steps. Very ethereal, which I'm sure it was meant to be.

Silly at the Graveyard

1 comment:

Jenna Noele said...

ha ha ha ha.
Rhianna always does strange things to the pictures though >_<

Whats up with the blurrrrr...

Still funny though!